Why learn Kotlin?

There are numerous reasons given online why it makes sense to learn the Kotlin programming language. Whether it's the simple syntax, the increased productivity or the multi-platform capability - every argument has its merits. In this article I would like to not only present the well-known reasons for learning Kotlin, but also share my own considerations that played an important role in my personal decision

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Where and how can you learn Kotlin?

Our Kotlin tutorial offers you an easy way to get started with the topic and expand your knowledge step by step. The content is deliberately written in an understandable way so that developers without experience or even people without programming knowledge can get started with Kotlin development. You start with the basics such as installing the development environment on your computer and creating the first project. You will then be guided through the theoretical learning content of

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Installing the development environment and setting up the first Kotlin project

The IntelliJ IDEA development environment from JetBrains can be used to develop Kotlin applications. This environment is available for Windows as well as MacOS and Linux. There is a free version – Community, and a paid one – Ultimate offered. The free version is completely sufficient for learning purposes. We download these from the website https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/other.html. Installing IntelliJ IDEA First we start the installer and

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Program structure

Every Kotlin program has an entry point, which is the function called “main”. This function marks the start of program execution and is therefore included in every Kotlin program. Below is a previously familiar section of Kotlin code that prints the message “Hello World!” Now let's take a closer look at the structure of the code. As with other functions in Kotlin, defining the function begins main() with the keyword fun. The abbreviation “fun”

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Variables in Kotlin

A variable is a named area in memory used to store and process data. A variable in Kotlin always has a name, a data type and a value. The name of the variable is a freely selectable identifier that can consist of alphanumeric characters or underscores and must begin with either a letter or an underscore. To define a variable in Kotlin you can do two

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Data types in Kotlin

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language, which means that all variables and expressions are checked for their types during compilation (translating the written source code into executable machine code that can be understood by the computer). If one tries to assign a value to a data type that does not match the expected type, an error will occur and the program will stop compiling. This has the advantage that certain

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Input/Output (IO) in Kotlin

Input The readLine() function in Kotlin is a function included in the standard library that allows reading a line of text from the console. It returns the read line as a string. With the help of other special functions such as toInt(), toDouble() or toFloat(), the inputs that are read in as a string can be converted into other data types in order to be processed accordingly later in the program. Below

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Arithmetic operators

Introduction In Kotlin, like many other programming languages, there is the concept of operators and operands. An operand is typically a value or variable to which an operator is applied to perform a specific operation. In the example below, the numbers 100 and 50 are operands and the plus sign + is an operator. Operand Operator Operand 10 + 5 There are different types of operators:

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Assignment operators

In Kotlin, there are different types of assignment operators that can be used to assign a value to a variable or update the value of a variable. Here are some examples of assignment operators in Kotlin: = Assignment operator: This operator is used to assign a value to a variable. For example: += addition assignment operator is used in Kotlin to update the value of a variable by replacing the current value with a

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Comparison operators

In Kotlin, there are various comparison operators that can be used to compare values ​​and produce Boolean results (“true” or “false”). Below are some of the most important comparison operators in Kotlin. == Equality operator: This operator is used to determine whether two values ​​are equal. The example above checks whether the value of variable a is equal to the value of b. Since they are not the same,

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