Exercise #1
- Declare an immutable variable named age with the type Int.
- Assign to the variable the value 35 .
- Print the value of the variable in the console using the function println() .
Solution to exercise # 1
fun main() {
val age: Int
age = 35
Exercise #2
- Declare an immutable variable named age with the type Int.
- Assign to the variable the value 35 .
- Print the value of the variable in the console using the function println() .
- Assign the value 55 to the variable.
- Also enter this value of the variable in the console using the function println() .
- Run the code. Explain the reason for the error.
Solution to exercise # 2
// You should have written the following code:
fun main() {
val age: Int
age = 35
println(age) // Output of the value "35"
age = 55 // At this point, an error occurs because the variable "age" is immutable.
Exercise #3
- Correct the error from exercise #2.
Solution to exercise # 3
fun main() {
var age: Int // Declaration of the mutable variable "age" using the keyword "var"
age = 35
println(age) // Output of the value "35"
age = 55 // Assignment of a new value to the variable "age"
println(age) // Output of the value "55"