There are three logical operators in Kotlin: &&
(AND), ||
(OR) and !
(NOT), which are used to express Boolean expressions (true or false) to combine and create complex conditions.
Below are examples of using these operators in Kotlin:
AND operator
AND operator are true return if both operands true are and false returns if at least one of the operands false is. For example:
This example checks whether the value of a greater than the values of b and c is. The expression a> b is true, also the expression a > c is true, therefore the value of is isGreater true.
|| OR operator
|| OR operator are true returns if at least one of the operands true is and false return if both operands false are. For example:
This example checks whether the value of a smaller than the values of b or c is. The expression a <b is false, Und a < c is too false, therefore the value of is isLess false.
! NOT operator
! NOT operator: The NOT operator inverts the Boolean value of an expression. If the expression true is, he will be too false, and if the expression false is, he will be too true. For example:
This example checks whether the value of a equal to the value of b or the value of c is. The expression a == b || a == c is false, and the NOT operator ! reverses the result so that the value of isNotEqual true at a hunt.
These logical operators are useful for creating complex conditions and controlling whether a block of code should be executed or not based on the satisfaction of conditions. You will find out more about this in the next chapters.