Logical operators

There are three logical operators in Kotlin: && (AND), || (OR) and ! (NOT), which are used to combine Boolean expressions (true or false) and create complex conditions. Below are examples of using these operators in Kotlin: && AND operator && AND operator returns true if both operands are true and returns false if at least one of the operands is false. For example: In this

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Bitwise operators in Kotlin

Bitwise operators are useful for manipulating bit patterns in programming. They provide a fast and efficient way to perform complex operations (e.g. decrypting data, calculating hashes, etc.) that require manipulation of individual bits in a binary number. It is important to understand what the binary representation of different numbers looks like. The expression “0b” at the beginning of each binary number marks the beginning of a binary number in

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Conditional statements

In programming, conditional statements are constructs that make it possible to control a program flow based on conditions. The condition can, for example, refer to a specific variable or the state of a program. If the condition is met, the code within the conditional statement is executed. Otherwise the code is skipped or an alternative code block is executed. There are two types of conditional statements in Kotlin: if statements and

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Loops in Kotlin

Kotlin supports various types of loops that allow developers to execute a group of statements multiple times. For Loop The For Loop in Kotlin loops through all the elements of a collection. The formal syntax of For loop in Kotlin is as follows. Variable is the name of the variable used for each element in the Sequence being iterated over. Within the loop body all statements can be executed for each

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Areas in Kotlin

In Kotlin, Ranges are used to represent a continuous sequence of values. Ranges can be used for both numbers and characters. They are useful in various situations, especially when combined with loops to make the code more readable and shorter. Initializing an area There are various options available to initialize areas in Kotlin: .. operator creates an area with the values

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Arrays in Kotlin

Similar to other programming languages, arrays in Kotlin provide the ability to store and manage an ordered collection of elements of the same data type, such as a list of numbers, characters, or objects. They enable structured and organized storage of data as well as efficient access to individual elements via an index. Arrays are used in many use cases, from simple lists to tables to more complex multidimensional ones

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Collections in Kotlin

In addition to the relatively rigid data structures such as arrays, Kotlin also uses other much more flexible data constructs - the so-called collections. Kotlin Collections are generic data structures used to store and manage a group of objects of the same type. They offer a variety of methods and functions to access, manipulate, add or remove the stored items. Collections are not a specialty or invention of Kotlin,

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Functions in Kotlin

A function is a part of a program that performs a specific task or calculation and, if necessary, returns a result. Functions are used to divide the code into logical units, which allows the code to be reusable and clear. In other words, a function can be viewed as a type of "subprogram" that performs specific tasks within a larger program and sends the result of those tasks to the

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Variable number of arguments in a Kotlin function

In Kotlin there is the possibility to define a function so that it can accept a variable number of arguments with the same data type. This is called a Vararg parameter. This is useful when you don't know exactly how many arguments will be passed to the function. A vararg parameter is identified in the function declaration with the vararg keyword. Example: Let's assume that we have a series of numbers from

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return – Return a value from a function in Kotlin

In Kotlin, the return statement ends the execution of a function and returns a value, if any, to the caller. Here is an example of using the return statement: When a function uses the return statement to return a value, the return type of the function must be explicitly specified. The return type is defined after the list of parameters and the colon. In the example above, the return type was Int

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